Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It's fair week!

I've lived close to the same small town all my life. When I was younger, I looked forward to fair week all year. It was pure heaven - rides, games, and I don't think I even have to mention the fair food, do I? When I got old enough to be there by myself, I would spend all day, every day there. Most of my friends did the same, so it was a social thing too.

After high school, the fair just wasn't as much fun anymore. I was gone most of the year, away at college, and I either lost touch with friends or they left the area. It made me sad that it just wasn't the same. But now, I have Amelia to share it with. It's all new to her and I love showing her everything that I remember from my childhood. The fair started yesterday, so of course we went last night and met Grandma and Grandpa there.

We went to the Wee Farm where Amelia saw ponies, donkeys, cows, ducks, goats and sheep. She loves animals and said "Hi" to all of them.

We had Mommy's favorite treat - a cream puff. Amelia loved hers (that's my girl!).

Papa took Amelia for her first pony ride!

We'll be heading back tonight for more food!


Dallas said...

Aww, love the fair!!
looks like Amelia enjoyed herself!

Marisa said...

I feel the same way about our fair!! We will be taking the girls..Amelia sure looks to be having fun...did Mommy have fun too??