Sunday, August 12, 2007

More fun at the fair!

It's been hot, but we've been out at the fair three of the past four days. Amelia loves watching all the people. When we're on the midway she looks at the rides and says, "Whee!". Of course she's way too small for most of them, but she did get to go on the merry-go-round yesterday.
Amelia's been sampling fair food too. We had a funnel cake one day:
And she was desperate for a drink of Aunt E's lemonade:
On Saturday, we had planned to go with Grandma Dawn, and Amelia's cousins Austin and Nathan ended up coming with us too. We looked at the animals in the barns, played a couple games, and I went on some rides with the boys (remind me never to go on the Tilt-A-Whirl again). Grandma Dawn shared her nachos and cherry limeade with Amelia, who couldn't get enough to drink. Later that night she was wired and it was kinda funny, since there was no reason she really had to go to bed.

Amelia got to play the duck game too one day. She won a princess tiara.
The winner so far, though, has been the wee farm. Amelia was not one bit scared of the goats and sheep, although she didn't want to feed them. She wanted to give them hugs and kisses and pet them instead.


Dallas said...

She looks so cute in her tiara! Hailey has the same shirt and dress that Amelia has on. (the brown shirt)

Melissa said...

Great pictures, Amelia sure does love the fair! I can't wait for ours, it will be here in 1.5 weeks! YAY!