Thursday, August 16, 2007


Here's another face you'll probably be seeing on my blog a lot - my goddaughter, Haven:

Haven is six weeks younger than Amelia and they spend a LOT of time together. I watch Haven during the school year while her mom's at work, so they are almost like sisters. They fight like sisters sometimes, but they love each other too and it's so fun to watch their little personalities interact. Sunday night we went for one last hurrah at the fair and Amelia and Haven rode the little cars together. They had so much fun - Amelia did not want to get off when it was over.

Yesterday we took the girls on the Forest City Queen, the boat ride the park district does on the Rock River. Amelia loved being on the boat. Since we were the only ones on the boat (it was kinda rainy) Captain Hank let the girls "drive" the boat.

On the way home the girls read some books:

They're so literary, ha.

So summer is almost over :( We've done a lot of fun things, but there were things we wanted to do that we haven't done yet and probably won't get a chance to, like going to the zoo. Maybe we'll make it sometime this fall, and there's always next year. In a week or so, though, it's back to a regular routine. Haven will be coming back and things will be more structured, which is probably good, but I'm a little sad that summer's just about over.

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