Thursday, September 6, 2007

Adventures in babysitting.....

Does anyone remember that movie? I swear I watched it a million times when I was younger. And I read the book too. I just saw it on TV a couple weeks ago. Just like Top Gun and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, it's so cheesy but I'll always love it. But back to my real adventures....

Thursday after Haven got here I had to go to the bathroom, and yeah, I took a while, okay? Partly by necessity, partly because I was in a room by myself and that just doesn't happen much, so I was luxuriating in the stillness. However, as my potty break came to an end, I realized things were a little too still. I walked out into the kitchen to find this:

It's not the greatest picture, but yes, they are on the kitchen table. And yes, they are very proud of themselves. So I hauled them off the table, which sent Haven into a temper tantrum while Amelia climbed back up on the table as I tried to ensure that Haven only smacked her hands and feet into relatively soft objects that wouldn't fall on her, like the loveseat and the Dora chair.

I finally realized that what Amelia really wanted was for me to put her hair in a pony like I do for Haven every morning, and she was climbing up on the table to get the comb and water bottle. The thing is that Haven's hair is much longer than Amelia's, and she can actually have real ponies. I tried once before to put a pony in Amelia's hair, and it was so small that it was just ridiculous. But she gets jealous when I spend time on Haven's hair every day, and she wasn't buying it anymore that me running the comb over her head a few times was the same. So what the heck, give the kid a pony, we weren't going anywhere today. So I did, and she was very proud of it. She showed it to everyone who came over. And of course, I've started something. I can tell that never again will I be able to get away with not putting a pony in Amelia's hair when I put one in Haven's. What the heck, just call her Alfalfa.

Friday I was cleaning and the girls wanted to "help". I actually was surprised at how long this kept them occupied.

Then they took the car for a not really. Just another place I didn't think they could/would climb to by themselves. These two are SO funny together. They are going to get into so much trouble when they are bigger! I have some hilarious videos but I can't get them to upload, so I'll have to figure that out.


Dallas said...

LOVE the Dora table and chairs!! Where'd ya get it?

Kathie said...

At Walmart! 19.99! :)