Sunday, February 1, 2009

She's destined for a singing career - don't you agree?

Amelia loves to sing. Sometimes it's actual songs, sometimes just random syllables to the tune of Old McDonald or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. For a while she had to sing "Happy Birthday" to all of our close family members and friends, one at a time, until she'd sung to everyone.

Here's a recent video of her singing in the car on the way home from Chicago. I know the video is crappy, I was squeezed in the backseat next to her trying to get far enough away so I could get all of her face in, while trying not to crack up.

Also, I have no idea why she sings "Rockabye Baby" in such a high-pitched voice - I promise I don't sing it to her like that!


Henry's Mom said...

Too adorable!

Noelle said...

The daycare kids LOVED this! Future Rock Star for sure!

Shannon K. said...

This is off the cuteness charts man :)