Sunday, June 8, 2008

Another Day, Another Picnic

Today was our playgroup's start-of-summer picnic. We were a little worried it was going to get rained out, because it monsooned all morning. However a little after noon the sun started to come out and we had beautiful weather for the picnic. The kids ran around the park and played games, it was a lot of fun! Now it is pouring again, like it has on and off for the past, I don't know, four days? This is getting really old!

Here's some pictures from today:

Amelia and Haven, playing "baseball":

Getting a lesson from Daddy:

Amelia LOVES Tiffany's daughter Chloe!

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Love that you are blogging again:)
If you would like to update your link to me, my blog is Thanks