Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hawaiian Day

Last week Amelia's daycare had Hawaiian Day. She LOVES her daycare provider and has so much fun with her. We're so lucky to have found such a great place for her to stay while I'm working.

Today we have a birthday party and tomorrow we are going to the ZOO! So I'll have lots of cute pictures from that :) Amelia's been sick but is feeling better today - I was worried that our zoo trip would have to be postponed but as of now it looks like we're on. I'll put some pictures up tomorrow (hopefully).

Visiting Nonna and Papa

Just a few pics from Father's Day weekend - swimming at Mark's dad's house. Amelia's Uncle Eric brought his dog Ozzie along - he was just Amelia's size.

After a nap (with some M&Ms) Amelia was ready to go again. Lots of candy later we headed home.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Another Day, Another Picnic

Today was our playgroup's start-of-summer picnic. We were a little worried it was going to get rained out, because it monsooned all morning. However a little after noon the sun started to come out and we had beautiful weather for the picnic. The kids ran around the park and played games, it was a lot of fun! Now it is pouring again, like it has on and off for the past, I don't know, four days? This is getting really old!

Here's some pictures from today:

Amelia and Haven, playing "baseball":

Getting a lesson from Daddy:

Amelia LOVES Tiffany's daughter Chloe!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Heart Institute Picnic

Today was the annual Heart Institute for Children picnic. Families whose children have had surgery at Hope come back every year to see the doctors and nurses who treated them. We were so excited to go and see some of our favorite doctors and nurses. Lots of them were there and it was great to see them again, and for them to see how big Amelia has gotten.

Amelia's cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Ilbawi:

Our primary cardiologist, Dr. Husayni. There are not enough good things I can say about this man. I am so grateful for everything he's done for us in treating Amelia and in helping me stay calm and not freak out. I am so glad to have a doctor I can trust her care to completely.

Amelia had a blast - Daddy gave her lots of treats! She loved watching the other kids there and did her best with the hula hoop (which wasn't much, but she had fun).

What a great day! I'm so glad they have this picnic every year - for the first six months of Amelia's life, the hospital staff made up most of my social interactions. They are very special to us and we owe so much to them, they will probably never know. It's great to see them, to catch up, and for them to see how wonderful Amelia is doing. I just hope they realize how big a role they played in that, both by caring for her and reassuring me so much!