Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The older you get, the faster time goes.

I think this is unfair, because the older you are, the more tired you are. Time has just been flying by recently. With school starting back up, Haven is back for daycare full-time, and I have two part-timers as well. I'm helping to organize a Home Party Expo, for people who run home-based sales business like Pampered Chef, Lia Sophia, etc. to display their goods (have GOT to think of a better name! any suggestions?). And I've taken over as organizer of my playgroup (thank God I have an excellent assistant organizer or I'd really be going nuts!). There have seriously been days when I haven't hardly eaten a thing because I've been too busy. Unfortunately the evidence cannot be seen in my waistline.

Today we had a play date with our playgroup, and it was so much fun. The lady who hosted has a huge backyard that faces a cornfield (my kinda place!) and we all sat out on the patio in her comfy patio chairs while the 20+ kids played. The weather was gorgeous, sunny and in the 60s. I LOVE weather like this, it's probably my favorite time of year. We mommies got to chat while the kids wore themselves out, and I got some cute pictures:

Once again it is midnight and I'm not in bed yet. I really need to work on that!!


Shannon K. said...

PLEASE send some of the cooler weather our way!! :) I love her little shawl.

Dallas said...

Lovin Amelia's shawl!! She's so stylin. Hailey loves to sit her big booty in the carrier and the Bumbo as well. It's funny...."Big kid in a little chair." Hehe...

happymcfamily said...

cute pony!