Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a vent

Many times, I think it would be better if my husband would just sit on his sorry ass rather than try to "help".

Today is one of those days.

Smart mouth!

I can just tell that's what my daughter is developing. I just can't believe how grown-up she's getting. She talks SO much now, and it's so cute. She tells little stories (sometimes I'm the only one who knows what she's talking about, but that's okay) and tells me what she did at daycare.

Everything she says just gets cuter and cuter, I swear. She's figured out how to hold up her fingers to correspond to numbers (1, 2, and 3 anyway). She thinks it's hilarious to tell me she's 3. When I call her on it and tell her she's two, she tells me, "I gon' be free on my burdaaaay". Apparently she's got her party all planned out and it involves chocolate cake, balloons, and presents. I suppose I can handle that.

Last week she was in our bedroom watching tv and jumping on the bed and she sat down and said to me, "I love you Mommy don' be scared". It was just too cute! I laughed and made her say it again and now it's all I hear. But it's so adorable, I don't mind.

Last night, though, was the kicker. She was standing by my nightstand with the monitor on it yelling so that it lit up (apparently Daddy taught her this wonderful trick). I said, "Look, Mommy can do it too," and yelled. She turned around and gave me her death look and said, "Don' yell, Mommy. Be good."

Where did she learn to talk to her momma like that?! Ok, probably from me. And I can see soon we're going to have to have the "I'm the parent, you're the child" talk. But secretly, I love seeing how she picks up on all these little things and pulls them out when you're least expecting it. And every girl needs a healthy dose of attitude in my opinion, as long as she knows when to use it. My girl's not gonna be a pushover!